How do I sign up for the wine club?
Sign up here! Fill out your preferences and account information to get started.

Do I get charged for signing up?
Nope! We don’t automatically charge for anything. You can opt into the previous club order, or you can wait until the next scheduled release. Your discount still applies right away.

What if I only want red or white wine?
We’re here to please. You can remove and substitute red or white wines that you don’t want. We also offer red-only and white-only Bottle Club memberships.

Do I get an extra discount for being in the Bottle Club and Bubbles Club?
Yep! The two clubs operate separately, so sign up for both on our website (or email us for help). You’ll receive 25% off everything and 50% off shipping on every order.

Do you have an industry club?
We sure do. Our industry club is open to folks who work at wineries, breweries or dispensaries, or who handle our wine directly. Orders must be picked up at our tasting room.

Can I gift a club membership?
Absolutely. If you want to share the love, email to set up a gift membership. Let us know how many shipments you’d like to prepay for.

What are these awesome case discounts?
Great question. As an extra wine club perk, we offer members-only discounts on solid cases (12 bottles) of our large-production wines: $180 per case, plus shipping. You can add these to your club shipment during the customization window. This discount applies to Chenin, Domo Arigato, Dry Hop Pet Nat, Fiction Red, Fiction Rose, Franc, Freddo, Pet Nat Rose, Skins, Tang and Wonderwall Pinot.


How does the wine club work?
For each club, we choose a selection of new releases. (4 bottles for Bubbles Club; 6 for Bottles Club). About 2 weeks before charging cards, we’ll send you an email to announce the new releases. During that customization window, you can edit your selection and make changes to your account. We typically ship 2 weeks after charging cards.

Can I customize my wine club allocation?
Yes! Bubbles Club members can change quantities between our selected wines. Bottle Club members can replace some of the selection with non-listed wines. To make changes, log into your account and select the open club order. Then, click “edit” to change quantities or add a discounted case to your order.

When will I be charged for my wine club order?
Bottle Club runs in February and September. Bubbles Club runs in April and November. You will be notified about 2 weeks before we charge credit cards, and orders ship about 2 weeks after that.

Can I pick up my wine club order?
Of course! If we’re hosting a pickup party for your club, we’ll let you know in the release email. You can also stop by the tasting room to pick up your order. We will hold your order for 90 days before shipping it to your address on file. Edit your order to switch your shipping method, or email

I changed my mind. Can I get a refund?
After cards are charged, we cannot issue any refunds, except for errors on our part.


How do I log into my account?
Log in here. If you have any problems accessing your account, email

How do I update my credit card, address or other information?
Log into your account here to view your dashboard. Click “edit” to update your address, credit card, email or password. We can also update your info via email. Just reach out to

What happens if my order ships to the wrong address, or I’m not home to sign for it?
It’s very difficult to make changes to your shipping address once your card has been charged. We may be able to update your address before printing out the shipping label. Email ASAP to make the adjustment. We cannot redirect your package once it’s been shipped. You can use the FedEx website to hold your package at a location. Otherwise, they will make a few delivery attempts before returning the package to us.


How many shipments do I need to order before I cancel?
Since your club discount applies automatically, we ask that you stay in the club for two shipments before canceling. Early cancellations will result in a $50 fee.

Can I pause my membership?
Yes! If you’re traveling, pregnant or just need a break — we get it. Email to arrange a hold on your account.

How do I cancel my membership?
We hate to see you go, but if you need to cancel your account, please do so via email. Contact to cancel your account anytime before your club order processing date.